Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day One: Soldering and making a 5V power supply

This is my solder practice board. It is not perfect. A few of them are better than others; some of them have too much of solder, I still need more practice to do a better job. 


Safety always comes first!
Before I chop off the little plug at the end of its wire. I make sure that the AC adapter is not plugged into the wall.

Here is my completed 5V power supply.

I used three Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and a 1kΩ resistor to test my power supply. It works. I learned that resistors work either way, it has no polarity. Unlike the resistor, if you place the LED in backwards it won't work because current in a diode flows only one way: it flows from the positive side to the negative side.

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