Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day Ten: Using Encoders, Math and Programming

Installed Encoders
Carlos connecting the encoder's wires with Digital ports

The optical shaft encoder uses an infrared light sensor to detect illumination from an infrared LED passing through slots cut in the circumference of a rotating wheel. The two red and grey rectangular shapes are our newly installed encoders. In order for the encoders to read the sensors, we will have to reprogram the microcontroller.

Encoders vs. Timing
 We used the following formula to find the distance traveled for use in our programming :

Circumference = pi * Diameter,
Distance traveled = Wheel rotations * Circumference

We are very close to move a floor tile distance. Since our maze is marked on the floor tiles, it will be very useful if we can just program our robot to move a distance of a floor tile. Carlos got the code working and by the end of the class we were very close to our goal and I think tomorrow we can program the robot to navigate through the maze.

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